I remember! Cash had a hard time socially at the beginning of kindergarten, he was quite shy (I know you aren't supposed to use that label but he is over it now so I can use the word). In fact by the second week of school he still hadn't talked in class let alone to a classmate. Cash came home with a birthday invitation in his backpack, it wasn't addressed to him so I assumed the whole class was invited. I asked a friend who also had a son in that class if he was going. They hadn't got an invite. Cash said he really wanted to go so we showed up on the day of the party. Rang the doorbell and the little boy's mom comes to the door. I told her this was Cashel and she looked at me with a very blank look, hesitated a moment, then cheerily told him to go on in. Oh no! I panicked that the invitation had been given to the wrong kid and it hadn't been meant for Cash.
I came and picked him up after the party, he'd had a great time. I've never found out if that invitation was really meant for him or not but after that party his shyness at school slipped away. I think he felt like maybe kids really did like him for who he was; it was just what he needed. So one year later in his own way Cash chose to repay the favor.
I have since gotten to know this little boy's family, they have a rough go the last few years. I hope they will know that someone is thinking of them, appreciates them, and prays that things are looking up for them.
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