Monday, October 11, 2010

Delivery #21

This delivery was to a momma friend of mine who I don't get to see often any more but still think she in one of the neatest gals around. We both went to a girls' retreat a few weeks ago and decided that we are going to go back to school together and get our Psych Masters Degrees in a couple of years. Fun huh! Just wanted to know I still think she is great even if we don't chat often.
Delivery was fun as this was the first Under Four Year Old delivery team. Kai was in charge of the camera. Viv got a little excited and rang the doorbell before we got Kai strapped back in his seat so we all panicked but all was well, we weren't discovered.

1 comment:

  1. Hey you cute little fehries. Sam discovered the goodies when we got home tonight. Thanks! You are the best...and those cookies are WAY good. I love your blog.
